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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Powdered Peanut Butter You Say??

I was recently turned on to the idea of powdered peanut butter. As some of you may know I am a proud member of weight watchers. I also am desperately in love with peanut butter (pretty much anything that involves or tastes like peanut butter). However peanut butter is very high in points (meaning calories & fat), so I have had to stay away from it for a while now.

Well... ta da! No longer am I going to be peanut butter deprived. Check out this new powdered peanut butter. My friend at work bought some & brought it in for us to try. It tastes just like peanut butter (except it is only 1 point instead of 5 for the regular stuff). It is delicious! The only issue is they don't sell it anywhere close to me so we have to order it online and you can only order it in quantities of 4 jars or a semi-truck load. We pooled together & bought some as a group & it worked out great.

Here is the site in case anyone is interested:


Happy guilt free peanut butter eating everyone!

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