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And the family keeps growing and growing and growing...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Natalie's First Photo's

Welcome to the World Natalie Claire

Welcome Natalie Claire Amsterburg

6.13.9 lbs

20 1/4"

Here's the story... (Traci is narrating sorry it makes no sense)

Kim woke up at 2:00 a.m. and decided that she was either peeing her pants or her water broke.. then it was time to take a shower (Phil says it was the worlds longest shower)... then they decided to come to the hospital... on the way we called Kim's mom who screamed and woke up the entire house .... arrived at the hospital and sat in triage for about 3 hours... "not fun"! Went to a room at about 7:00a.m. after waiting for what seemed like forever.... Kim's mom and sister Ann showed up about then with Bagels and stayed for a bit before leaving and going to rescue Tula.... at about 1:00 everyone was watching Day's of Our Lives and trying to get through medium contractions... at 3:00 - 4:56 baby was on the way with major contractions... baby arrived at 4:57 - Kim had no pain medication and did AWESOME.

Kim and Phil had a few names picked out but weren't sure which one they would choose and they decided on Natalie Claire because Natalie was the nurses name which was obviously a sign and Claire is Grandma's middle name...

Other than Phil, Jenny, Ann, Mom and Grandma were all there for the delivery. Here's a pic of mom and dad and baby, we have to move rooms now, more later!

Friday, April 17, 2009

A good reason to smile on a sunny Friday

This is so cute & short, check it out!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Weekend Update

Easter weekend was filled to the brim. Friday we had the day off from work (well Phil only had a half day… not that I’m rubbing it in). I lounged around and did a few small chores at home in the morning and then in the afternoon we had another doctor’s appointment. We are now at the point that we are going every two weeks. After our next appointment we will begin going each week. This is only exciting because it means it’s almost the end!!!

The appointment was routine, pee in this cup, check your blood pressure… get weighed so you can be depressed the rest of the day. This appointment they decided to hook me up to a machine that measures the baby’s movements & corresponding heart rate. Since I haven’t been feeling the baby move as much lately, they wanted to just make sure everything was still ok. I was hooked up to the machine for about a half hour. They also were measuring my uterine tone (to see if I was having any contractions). I had a few small contractions (that I didn’t even feel) towards the beginning but they eventually disappeared. The doctor’s were satisfied that the baby is moving enough & the heart rate is good and strong so they let us go with a gold star. They did feel around on my belly and determine that the baby is head down, so I probably won’t feel too many more big movements since there is really no more room in there.

Friday night we had our friends Randy & Liza over for a little dog walking, ice cream eating & movie watching. By 10:30 everyone was worn out and decided to call it a night. Saturday I attended a bridal shower for one of my co-workers. It was in a beautiful house on a nearby lake. We ate lots of good food & played some pretty fun games. We all had mannequin heads and as a team had to do the make-up & hair (including veil & tiara) of the head, blindfolded…. It was very interesting.
Here is my co-worker Deb doing the veil for their mannequin.

Here are all the completed heads. My team's is the second head from the left. We did a good job. My role was the hair... I know I rock!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Baby, baby, baby...

Last Sunday, Phil’s family (his mother’s side) hosted a fabulous baby shower for us both (yes I made Phil come and open presents with me).

There was a large turnout and I spent most of the time trying to remember everyone’s name & figure out how they are related to Phil or his mom, or his grandma. It’s a large family, considering his grandma was 1 of 13 children. It seems like an endless see of Aunts and cousins. I got a lot of them figured out, but I’m sure it will take years to get the rest!! No matter what, they were all very generous and it was a blast getting everyone together.

Phil’s mom, her friend Kerry and his grandma were our gracious hosts. They decorated the hall so beautifully, made delicious food (that we are still eating leftovers of) and didn’t make us play any embarrassing games (which I think everyone was grateful for).

All in all, it was a wonderful day and we took home a huge haul of baby items. We will be organizing/trying to figure out what everything is for quite a while.

Thank you to everyone!
Our hostess' (me, Kerry, Patricia, Arline & Phil)
Phil & his Mom

For those of you dying for another belly picture... this is what you get :)

This was an awesome present (from my Mom). She made me a diaper bag with all sorts of cool accessories... thanks MOM!

Erin & I

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ju & Amy

Last weekend, I was finally able to coordinate schedules with my friend Amy so that we could get together and catch up. We had lunch and then she came over with her daughter Juliana to see our new addition & the baby’s room.

I can’t believe how big Juliana has gotten. She just turned 3!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Bragging Rights

The opportunity for me to brag regarding myself & sports does not come along very often... so when it does (and this is a very small window) I have to take advantage of it.

I am currently in first place in my NCAA brackets!!!!! Go me!

Now you are all wondering how I have such uncanny knowledge of college basketball that I am able to do this... well I will let you in on a little secret. Each year I pick Michigan State to win the entire tournament. Now as I stated above and as most of you may gather, this does not always work out well for me. In fact, this is the first year since I've started filling out the brackets that it has actually worked at all. Every year people make fun of me and tell me I'm crazy that I pick them. But my strategy finally paid off. I knew one of these years they wouldn't let me down.

All I have to say (at least for today because my luck could easily change overnight) is GO STATE!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ryker Visit

This past weekend, Phil and I went up to my friend Shell's house to see her new little boy Ryker Donald. He is super cute, I just love his hair. Of course like a dufus, I was too caught up in visiting with Shell, playing with her other son Talan & commenting on how good a baby Ryker was to remember to take pictures... so I stole some from Shell's blog. Thanks Shell!

Baby Ryker
Big brother Talan & Ryker