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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Visit with an old Flan

Last weekend I spent Saturday night hanging out with my college friend Amy and her daughter Juliana at their new house. It was very exciting to see their new house which is sooo perfect for them. It even has a laundry schute that drops laundry from upstairs through the ceiling of the basement. So cool!

Anyways, we did a lot of catching up and I got to see how big Juliana has grown. She is too cute and looks just like her mom.

Here are some pics from the night.

She's showing me her swimming goggles.

Mom & daughter.


The Camburns said...

What the heck Kim.....you only like Erin's paint? What about my paint? No love? Geez........GO XENA!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i wish i had a pair of swimming goggles. i would be like michael phelps. only my last name isnt phelps, i have normal sized ears, and im not very buoyant