Well, here it is everyone, after 3 long months of keeping a secret (or not keeping a secret if you are my husband), it's time to make an announcement. I drank the water. That's right, I am pregnant, about 13 weeks along.
It seems to be contagious lately. There are quite a few new pregnancies between my friends, family friends, people I currently work with, people I used to work with and my hair dresser, I think I know about 156 women that are pregnant.
Either way, it's very exciting news that in just 6 short months, there will be a new addition to the Maltburg family. I will try to keep you up to date on the happenings without being too annoying or detailed about the fun I get to experience.
Wait, did someone tell you that being pregnant is fun? LMAO!
Finally...I hate having to keep secrets for so long....Although I don't know anyone outside the family that I could spoil it for. My friends and co-workers would be like, "And you're telling me this because...?"
HOLY CRAP!!! Congrats, I can't believe you kept it seceret all this time. I think you should name it Xena, or baby Ping Pong, just some suggestions! Anyway, congrats from the Camburns. (That congrats is for you Kim, not your husband)
We are very happy for you.
PLEASE be annoying and give details!!
wait a minute wait a minute...your pregnant? does that mean you guys had SEX?!?!?
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