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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner... FINALLY!

Saturday we went to my sister’s house in Ann Arbor to “tailgate” for the big rivalry game Michigan vs. Michigan State. Finally after many long years of waiting and some questionable calls by the officiating staff, MSU pulled it off. It was tense up until the very last minute. Grandma nearly disowned the Spartans & Phil had to keep Aunt Laurie from having a heart attack, but we all survived and emerged victors!!! YIPPEEE!!!!

The tailgating part was very fun, although sort of cheating since we were indoors and got to use real bathrooms. We had A LOT of good food and got to watch the game on TV. There was bean bag toss (which I refuse to call by its real name… corn hole) and ping pong during the breaks to keep everyone entertained too.

Thank you to my wonderful sister & brother (-in-law) for hosting us.

Here are Nate & Phil showing off their "skills."

Uncle Jeff pretending like he doesn't know them... good choice.

Phil & Aunt Laurie (before her almost heart attack).


The Camburns said...

That may be the best post EVER!! Thank you for the great food, the great company, and the Scooby Doo band-aid. Erin was sad she missed it, but happy the best team won. GO GREEN!!

The Camburns said...

I heard "the hamburger" and Jon won every game of bean bag toss, is that right?

Greg Bevier said...

Two words; Donnie Wahlberg