This weekend Phil and I recruited some of our family to come help us with our addition. We conned them into coming over by telling them it was going to be an easy day of painting with a free lunch. And then we threw in some ceramic tiling too! Aren't we nice?
They were all awesome and worked really hard. We got basically all of the painting done (bedroom, bathroom & hallway, including ceilings!). And we got the tile laid by the front door & the whole tiles laid in the bathroom. This week Phil & I (ok probably more likely Phil) will finish up the bathroom cutting the tiles necessary & grouting.
We were so happy to get as much done as we did! And so quickly. Thank you to everyone for your help, you are AWESOME!
Here is Phil's mom showing off her lovely painting skills.
Annie (this room was a light celery/minty green even though you can't tell in this picture).
Here is my dad supervising the tile workers.
Here is the tile all laid by the garage door!
Next project weekend will consist of laying wood floor and hanging trim! I'll send the sign up sheet around later.
Sign me up, I can't wait to see the 'new' house!!
I'm offering my husband for the wood floor and trim project! I would offer myself but I assumed you want a nice new bedroom!
We change the address to our blog (I accidentally did it) our new blog is
Don't forget to bookmark us!
I would like to un-sign up, if that is possible. Plus tell your husband to stop calling me with questions, 7 times in 2 hours is ok.............but the 8th, that's just over the top! It is starting to look like a room, good work. XENA POWER!!!
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