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Monday, September 22, 2008

27 Dresses Party

This weekend I attended a party at my friend Deb's house. The theme was "27 dresses." (for those of you who have seen the movie, I'm sure you get it, but for those of you who haven't it was wear a bridesmaid dress that you have or get a really ugly dress from Good Will to wear).

Anyways, it was a lot of fun. I got a very princessy dress from Good Will that I wore. It was a whole lot of tulle and pink. I got many strange looks on my way there... my dress about took up the whole front seat... it was a little difficult to see out the window at times, but I made it.

Check me out.

Here are some of the other girls:


The Camburns said...

That is a great look for you!! Also, thank you for saving us from the night time. Your husband is not so smart when it comes to remembering things such as KEYS! How can you not smell that PEPPER? Is your smeller broke?

Greg Bevier said...

How adorable...

The Camburns said...

I am so sorry I missed a great party...I really really wanted to go but I had to study. And I really did study but of course I needed a break.... :O)

Anonymous said...

hahaha! What a great theme for a party!
I love the earrings that complement the dress :D

The Camburns said...

When are we going to get to see more pictures of your addition? I bet it is close to being finished by now!! =)