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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

This Saturday is the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in downtown Kalamazoo. I have volunteered to be a team leader for Stryker, which basically means that I have to try to convince people to walk with me and to donate money.

So to try to raise money, my friend Traci and I decided to host a Pampered Chef party and donate our proceeds to the fund.

If anyone is interested in buying you can order directly from our website set up specifically for this at:


Or for those of you who are electronically challenged, you can email me your order as well and we can do it the old fashioned way.

Also, we are selling these really neat Pampered Chef kits. They are $20 and $10 of that goes directly to our fundraising. They have a pink lettuce knife, a pink measuring cup (the nice one that Pampered Chef has that one side pushes through so that you can use it for peanut butter and other sticky stuff) and a really cute pink spatula. ( I have a picture I can email around if anyone is interested... but I can't figure out how to put it on here... so you'll just have to imagine it for now).

Anyways... I thought I'd inform in case anyone was interested in contributing or walking.


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