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And the family keeps growing and growing and growing...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Maltby Family Reunion

Saturday morning Phil and my sister Annie ran 16 miles on the Kal-Haven trail, in the rain. I dropped them off 16 miles from the start and they ran back to their car. They are crazy, but they both made it out alive.
Annie & Phil pre-run

Then in the afternoon, we made our way to my parents house in Vicksburg for a little pre-family reunion festivities. My aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers-in-law and grandma all came over to eat and enjoy each others company. We played some paddle ball and had smores by the fire.

A family game of paddle ball

The sisters enjoying the afternoon.

Campfire in the backyard

Sunday the whole family came over for lunch and a few challenges to my cousin Ross's croquet & spoons title. We had a bbq outside, played some cards, had a croquet tournament (which Ross won again by the way... and I'm not sure exactly how), ate lots of cupcakes and swam until our lips turned purple.

The croquet tournament finalists
Cousin Greg, Brother Nathan, Sister Ann, Phil, Mom, Cousin Ross
Euchre anyone? Cousin Staci, Grandma, Uncle Jeff & Dad
Aunt Sharon, Corinna & Arianna (our flower girls)
Family chaos

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