One baby that wears disposable diapers creates on average 1 TON of landfill waste.
When I read these, I was completely shocked… I mean I always knew disposable diapers were really bad, but come on… 500 years! That is crazy. Anyways, to try to do our part and not contribute as much to the landfills, Phil and I have decided to give cloth diapers a try. Now I know most of you are thinking…eww gross that is disgusting (as that is the main reaction I get), but they really aren’t all that bad. I’ve been doing a lot of research on them and they are almost exactly like disposable diapers. They don’t require pins or folding anymore, most of them have Velcro or snaps & elastic around the legs. The downside is that you do have to launder most of them yourself and it takes a little more work on our part, but we are up to the challenge.
Here are the two kinds I have decided to try out at first. Any comments are welcome… any experience or advice is definitely welcome!
BumGenius (click here to learn more)
Kissaluvs (click here to learn more)