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And the family keeps growing and growing and growing...

Monday, September 22, 2008

27 Dresses Party

This weekend I attended a party at my friend Deb's house. The theme was "27 dresses." (for those of you who have seen the movie, I'm sure you get it, but for those of you who haven't it was wear a bridesmaid dress that you have or get a really ugly dress from Good Will to wear).

Anyways, it was a lot of fun. I got a very princessy dress from Good Will that I wore. It was a whole lot of tulle and pink. I got many strange looks on my way there... my dress about took up the whole front seat... it was a little difficult to see out the window at times, but I made it.

Check me out.

Here are some of the other girls:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Detroit Visit

Last weekend I went over to Detroit to visit my friend Jess & her new house. I also got to spend some time with her sister Chandra & baby Jayda. It was a pretty event filled weekend.

We watched a lot of movies, taught Jayda to dance to her guitar, ate a lot of food, taught Jayda to put a bucket on her head, caught up on life and then put Jayda in a cardboard box to play. Whew, I was pretty tired when I got home, let me tell you.

Jess' new house is awesome, it is enormous! It is actually a duplex and she has some great plans for the attic that will be amazing when they are done, but sound like a lot of work.

Anyways, we had a great time. I just love hanging out and having girl time.

Here is J dancing to the music.

Here is her favorite Aunt Titi teaching her to play with cardboard boxes.

I promise we didn't let her keep the bucket on her head for long... it was so cute, we couldn't resist.

See, I told you she was ok. By the way, love the shirt!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Ok, I know I'm like weeks late (as my birthday was actually on the 8th). But things have been crazy at work so I haven't had a chance to update this. For my birthday I went out to lunch with Traci, got cookies from my co-workers, cookies from Traci and then a cake from other co-workers. I was all sugared out!

After work, I picked up Grandma (as it is also her birthday on the 8th) and we went to Hot Nails to get pedicures. I am so not even joking that Hot Nails was Grandma's pick. Apparently that is her favorite place! Who knew.

After my toes were all prettied, I went home to vacuum with my new birthday present:

I know I'm old and boring when I get excited about a vacuum, but this one is super cool.
So happy birthday to me!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We've been busy...

Ok, it's been a long time since I've posted something... sorry about that, but we've been really busy!

Here is a quick recap of what we've done over the last 3 weeks that you missed.

We drove to Ludington, went fishing, visited grandma, drove home. The boys played in a basketball tournament that Randy's brother organized. They all realized how old and out of shape they are... but they did win the best sportsmanship award & even made it in the paper! Celebrated a birthday with Phil's mom. Worked on the house and celebrated Grandma & my birthday with a tailgate. Whew... I'm tired.

Here are some pics from our fun:

Uncle Jan, Phil & Rob fishing in Ludington.

Some action shots of the boys playing in the 3 on 3 tournament.

The team: Jon, Phil, (other player guy... maybe Jeff?) and Randy.

Phil & Jon in between games.... they're getting so old!

Pat opening her birthday gifts. Does she look suprised?

Here she is celebrating with the girls (Tula & her dog Mazey).

Phil & Jon working (well, maybe working?) on our bedroom.

Birthday tailgate: My sisters & mom and I.

A picture of the tailgate set up. This is after most people went to the game. We stayed & ate more!

Phil & I at the tailgate. Like my new sunglasses? These are to replace the other glasses that the river in California ate.

Jon & Erin helped us celebrate too!

Happy Birthday everyone!